My goal this week has been to try and fill our 96-gallon-yard-waste container with weeds.

I am 3/4 of the way there.
Once all of the weeds have been pulled or maybe as a little reprieve from pulling the weeds, I plan to clean our statue of Our Lady of Grace.

I scattered a few forget-me-not seeds in front of Mary today and I am hoping that they grow.
Last fall, we had a couple of trees cut down in our yard out of necessity. The stump of this particular tree could not be removed as it would have disturbed the roots of the two nearby fir trees too much. I think that it makes for a perfect place for our statue to stand.
What were my children doing as I weeded? They were painting, hammering wood, and playing outside. It is a beautiful, sunny day!
I pray that my children continue to turn to Mary as they play outside, asking her to intercede for them with her Divine Son, Jesus. May our Blessed Mother watch over and protect my children as they run and play outside.